NooBTooB has launched
A buddy of mine and I have launched a weekly podcast about gaming and gaming culture, called NooBTooB.
We both love listening to podcasts in the car, or whenever we've got some free time, but we noticed that all the podcasts that cover gaming mostly work in the news-style, which is to read off news items of the week and talk about them.
What we wanted was a podcast where real gamers talk about new games that are coming out, play them, and tell us what they though. What's it similiar to, is it worth spending cash on, is it fun? And bonus points if it's enjoyable to listen to.
Well, there's really not much out there like that. So we started our own. We've got four episodes under our belt so far, and I think each one sounds better than the last. If you're interested in video games, or just enjoy two guys ragging on each other about getting destroyed on the new Street Fighter release for Xbox, come check us out.
If you're a subscriber and you wanted to digg us, you'd be on our best friends list, too.
So give us a listen. If you like us, subscribe to the podcast through itunes, we've got a link on the site. If there's anything you think could be improved about the podcast, or if you have comments on what we said, or you just want to tell us that we have damn sexy radio voices, send us email at
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