
these are not the droids you're looking for

Apparently the top google search terms that land people on my blog are as follows:

1) owl farm
2) quick investments
3) hasslehoff
4) macking sushi
5) hey rube

Okay, 1 and 5 are because I host a bunch of articles Hunter Thompson wrote for ESPN before he died. Odd, but makes sense.

3 and 4 are weird because I did a google search on them, and my site didn't come up at all. So how the hell are people getting here from there?

2 is the most bizarre. If you google "quick investments", I'm the top freaking hit. Maybe I should clean up that page! I made a page a few years ago, urging people to invest in index funds. I still stand by that recommendation, and that's all I invest in myself. But I had no idea that my page would be the number one google search for quick investments. Looking at it now, it's pretty embarrassing. It's a crappy oversized graph from Excel, and a few words from myself, in blue on a black background. I really wish I knew someone with more design skills than I have, because everything I do looks very 1999. Coziahr.com needs some Web 2.0 goodness.

Anyway. Quick investments. I guess it's better than being known for goat porn.


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