I got my xbox 360 today, finally. My buddy Yuzo hooked me up, and found a costco that had a few left. We raced over there, and they would only let him put one on his Costco card, so I assaulted a random stranger and convinced them to let me use their card to buy mine. The guy was an older british guy who thought the whole thing was hilarious, which was really cool. Anyway, I've got it. I had to get one of those crappy package deals, but most of what was in it was stuff I wanted anyway.
Here's my gamertag, Tobin00:
Now, I know a few of you guys are hardcore gamers, or have contacts into the gaming world *ahem*, and already have yours. So hook me up with your gamertags! I want to add them to my friend list and what not when I get home and set this bad boy up.
The hard part now is actually working through the rest of the day, instead of going home to play with my toy. So SEXY.
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