
shadow of the colossus

I've been playing Shadow of the Colossus all night. For those of you who don't know it, it's this really innovative PS2 game where you have to run all over the world and kill these 16 massive (and by massive I mean 20 story tall) colossi. You climb all over them and stab their weak points. And that's it, no other fighting, just you riding your horse over an empty world, killing huge monsters. It's pretty amazing.

Thing is, almost the whole time I'm playing, I want to just throw the controller down and quit, because the idiots that made this game must not have play tested the controls or camera angles AT ALL. I want to keep playing because it's brilliant and beautiful, and I've never played anything like it before.

But jesus CHRIST these might be some of the worst controls I've ever seen on a game. A huge part of the game is hanging on to the fur on these monsters and climbing around on them. But half the time, you push one way on the controller and the guy goes a different way. Or the camera will be stuck on the other side of the monster and you'll have no idea what you're doing.

It's almost like they finished the game and it was too easy, so they said "fuck it, let's just make the controls not work, that will make it harder".

We'll see. I want to keep playing and beat it, but I just beat the sixth colossus and nearly threw the controls across the room a few times during the fight, so I might just end up with a broken controller.

PLAY TEST YOUR GAMES BETTER, DAMMIT. There's barely enough good games out there as it is, you don't need to mess up the good ones.


At 1/10/2006 4:42 AM, Anonymous Erin said...


My co-worker and I swap game recommendations, and he was pushing Shadow of Colussus to ease our withdrawal from God of War (which I really hope you have played because it is fantastic). He said it was up there with God of War in the top five games for the PS2, and then he loaned us the demo disc.

We tried to play it one night, and yeah, it was a pretty game and a smart game and I think it might have been an awesome game except we couldn't do anything because the controls were impossible and non-responsive, and the camera angles were maybe the worst I've ever seen. There are a lot of games like that lately, though - games that are good but could be really great if only the developers had bothered to make the controls easy and the camera angles anything other than frustrating.

At 1/17/2006 11:56 PM, Anonymous bates said...

Finally beat the game tonight. I liken the last colossus to beating yourself over the head with a hammer because it feels so good when you stop. What a waste - the rest of the game, control issues aside, was absolutely amazing.


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