
washington mutual sucks

What kind of a backwards ass company still doesn't let you pay bills online?

My mortgage is through Washington Mutual. You can create an account on their website. You can log in, and see your loan balance. You cannot, however, PAY for your mortgage.

I just called them to verify this, in case I was being completely retarded. I started giving the person on the line a hard time about the complete lack of logic or customer service inherent in this setup, but given the nature of today's call centers, that's completely pointless. I asked if I could lodge a request that they add the functionality, and that was so far beyond her job abilities that I could literally hear her brain shut off on the other end, and she just kept saying "no" to me until I hung up.

God, what a stupid, stupid piece of shit. I don't write checks for ANYTHING. I pay the damn things online. But luckily I can log on and LOOK at how much I owe. I just can't do anything about it. Jesus.


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