You may have a life and not watch very much tv, if so, WHOOP DE DOO. If not, you may have noticed a terrifying trend at Comedy Central. I shit you not, tonight while I was watching the Patton Oswald special, I saw THREE commercials for the PATTON OSWALD SPECIAL.
For god's sake, Comedy Central! If you don't have enough sponsors to fill your commercial slots, just show less commercials! We don't need three commercials for the show that we're ALREADY WATCHING.
Comedy Central is like a pimp with two ever-changing whores. He can't seem to keep on to more whores, so he just keeps telling you about his two whores, over and over again. It used to be MST 3k, or Battle Bots, or South Park, now it's Patton Oswald and Drawn Together. Get some more goddamn shows. Or just shut up and let us watch TV in peace.
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