
submissive or dominant

One of the most confusing societal traits I've ever seen is the Japanese girl in a Japanese porn.

Every single one of them, with absolutely no exceptions, behaves as if she's hating whatever is happening, and is usually wincing in pain, and/or sobbing. It seriously looks like the least fun I could ever imagine in a sexual act.

What fascinates me is *why*. This isn't an isolated incident, this is a distinct and observable trend, and must therefore have an explaination.

The only one I can think of is that the male Japanese psyche is still so damaged from the powerlessness of losing WWII, and the dropping of the unbeatable atomic weapon, that sex in their society has developed around returning a sense of power and dominance to the Land of the Rising Sun, who once believed their emperor was a god.

It makes sense, considering the infamous taste of Japanese businessmen to carry around manga like "Rape Man" on the subway with them. It's in all their porn, a complete submissiveness to the point of agony on the part of their women, providing a sense of dominance and power to the men. It provides a sense of control that they were denied by the reality of their crushing defeat in the war. It's especially interesting that it would last beyond their financial dominance of the 80's, showing that it's incredibly deep seated, possibly having roots back in the days of Admiral Perry.

Please feel free to educate me if I'm wrong, I'm genuinely curious, but I can't think of any other good reasons for something like this to happen with such overwhelming regularity.


At 9/16/2004 4:37 AM, Blogger Tobin said...



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