I'm in love with a tool
Any of you who read a lot of blogs, or newsfeeds, or Livejournals, you might notice that it's a pain when you get a lot of feeds, or friends. Especially with the shitty interface that LJ has, you poor folks have to read through everything, no priority is placed on people that you like more, there's no way to mark entries that you've already read, etc.
I've been looking for a year for a decent RSS aggregator to read all my feeds, and everything I tried sucked for one reason or another. Sage/firefox was trash, NewsGator was useless at my work, the list goes on and on.
Not any more. I'm in love.
Check out www.bloglines.com.
It's a completely free service where you check all your feeds using the web. Hell, you can check it from a handheld device, your home, your work. It keeps track of what you've already seen, so it's a seamless move from wherever you are.
You can make folders for your friends, your news feeds, your comic feeds, and the people that you only read sometimes. You can download a "notifier" app for any operating system and any browser that tells you when people have updated.
Oh, and it's completely free. It's insanely easy to use. It has Livejournal, Yahoo groups, Xanga and Google groups support built in. It can read any RSS feed, as well, obviously. It's freaking amazing, and it's made my entire month. Go try it for 10 minutes, I assure you that it will win you over. Reading blogs and feeds at the source is for chumps. This is the best RSS aggregator that I've ever seen. Any of you still reading Livejournals at lj.com are insane.
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