
television battle

I'm watching a really interesting battle going on right now on television.

Viacom is threatening to raise their rates on the popular stations of VH1, MTV/MTV2, Comedy Central, and a few other stations.

In response, Dish Network is threatening to drop those channels.

Now, if you watch any shows on those networks, there's a scrolling bar that keeps coming across the screen, saying "Dish Network is going to take the channels you paid for! Call them and tell them to stop!", which is obviously being sent out by Viacom.

However, within a few seconds of that scrolling on the screen, a black bar is coming up and covering the scrolling text. So Dish Network literally has some guy sitting at a computer somewhere, watching these channels, and sending out a black blocker bar every time they put up their scroller.

It's hilarious to watch. I'm predicting that Viacom is going to start scrolling text at the top of the screen, so the Dish Network guys will have to move their black bar. It's like watching two little kids fight. Except these kids are multi-billion dollar corporations.


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