

Oh my GOD.

Someone wrote down how to beat Super Mario... in "tabulature" format, like you would with music. This is totally insane. Who.... who would do such a thing? They even have videos to go with the tab, but not of the game, of the guy's hands while he does it.


Do you like statistics, and pretty charts? Gapminder.com has lots of both. Want to see a sliding graph of world income distribution over time? Look no further.

This one is really cool. Take a picture of the 2-d barcode on the back of your driver's license. This site will scan it for you and tell you what it says. Someone do this and tell me what it says about you. Thirty-nine states use 2-d barcodes now, but California does not. Seriously, someone please try this and send me the output.

It was only a matter of seconds. It went from television, to cultural pheonomenon, to Livejournal user pic:


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