
I favor Bush?

Well I'll be damned.

I was sitting here wondering about what the hell the difference was between all these candidates, so I took a quiz recommended to me, regarding lots of issues, and it told me which candidate fit me best.

Turns out that Bush is actually the candidate that fits my beliefs the most. I disagree with him on a LOT of things, mostly social issues, but I weigh economic issues above social issues.

The very weird thing for me is that my strongest Democratic candidate was Lieberman. Who would have thought? I hate the guy, but it turns out that we agree on a lot of stuff.

For the curious, here's my list:


The sharp eyed will notice that after Bush, I'm kind of fucked. Lieberman is out of the race, Clark and Dean have almost no chance at all, and it's probably going to be Kerry who carries the nomination.

At least I know now why I'm not going to vote for Kerry. He wants strong gun control, and to allow lawsuits against gun manufacturers. He's against school vouchers. He wants to expand medicaid and welfare. He's against raising the social security age, but in favor of capping out payments to the wealthy who paid for the system in the first place. He wants to raise taxes on the rich. He wants to increase unemployment and raise minimum wage. All the big government garbage that I hate, he stands for.

Anyway, check it out if you're interested, and post the results. I'm sure I'll be the only person on here who ends up with Bush as his first choice, because you're all a bunch of communists. It just seems very odd to me that I'm a libertarian, and Bush is my best choice, and I don't think very highly of him. If he's better than all the Democrats, we're fucked.



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