

Warren Ellis posted a little dialogue tidbit on his blog today. The man can do snappy dialogue like nobody.

"Take my secretary. The technology available to her could have made her bulletproof, or ageless. What did she use it for? She now has the ability to circumsize telegraph poles with her teeth."

SCREAM TALKING: fifty little milk teeth/all gone bad

Sick of assholes like the New York Times asking you to register every time you visit? Me too. Here's a great new site, www.bugmenot.com where you can share logins for annoying sites.

Did you know that nethack is still under development? God, I've been in love with that game since before I had pubic hair, back when it was called rogue. They released a new version just last month.

Finally, this link is not work safe, but it cracks me up. It's the very epitome of being OWNED. Come on, click it, you pussy.


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