
IEM 2004 US Democratic National Convention Market Price Graph

I've sent in money to the Iowa Electronic Market, which I don't remember if I've mentioned before here or not.

Basically it's a political market where you buy stock in candidates, and after the election is over, every share you own in a winning one, you get a dollar. It's FASCINATING to watch. They have a market for the Democratic nominee, and they have one for the 2004 election.

Check out the graph here:

IEM 2004 US Democratic National Convention Market Price Graph

As you can see, Dean was selling for 76 cents a share just a few short weeks ago, and he's been dropping like a rock. After the Iowa caucus, the boy is somewhere around 25 cents a share. Meanwhile there's been a massive jump in Kerry shares, and ROF, which is Rest of Field (meaning Edwards).

I can't wait until my check deposits and I can start buying shares in these guys. I know I'm a political nerd, but this is the coolest thing ever.


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