picture fest
Here are some pictures for your entertainment.
First, a really sweet depiction of where Voyager 1 and 2 are now, with respect to our solar system:

Second, a comic that reminds me why I will never work anywhere that I have to interact with humans again. This would be me at a help desk:

Third, some really fucking frightening toys being sold on the streets in Palestine:

Fourth, the Japanese proving that they will always, ALWAYS be weirder than we are. And I absolutely love them for it. This bra actually emits a scent that's supposed to "kill the desire to smoke". Honestly, if that girl asked me not to smoke, I probably wouldn't. Heh.

Are you hot or not for video gamers. There are some pretty sad shots in here of girls photoshopping their faces onto hot video game bodies. That said, it's still hot when girls play video games.
A man in Russia died in a drinking contest after drinking ONE AND A HALF LITERS of vodka.
"A vodka-drinking competition in a southern Russian town ended in tragedy with the winner dead and several runners-up in intensive care.... Some experts estimate one in seven Russians is an alcoholic. "
And finally... a hippo dancing to the Thong Song. It doesn't really get any funnier than that.
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