
Kyoto Accord and much of global warming hype based on false premises

Pay attention. This is important.

The Kyoto Accord has just been pretty much debunked.

The British Journal, Energy and Environment, has just released a paper showing that much of the science behind the Kyoto Accord was based on bad and biased data, and incorrect calculations.

We've all seen the "hockey stick" graph showing how the last century has shown a huge spike in global temperatures, making it an outlier in global climates in the last millennia. This isn't actually true.

Over the last few years, scientists have been showing that solar variations are far more influential in global temperatures than man-made emissions. However, there was a paper in 1998 that all the environmentalists touted about, "proving" that our century was anomalous, and this was used to push the Kyoto accord, and as the backbone of much of the global warming hype we've all been hearing.

Most of you probably even think that man-made global warming is an established fact.

"Mann's claims that "temperatures in the latter half of the 20th century were unprecedented," and the IPCC's and Environment Canada's confident assertions that the 1990s was "likely the warmest decade" and 1998 the "warmest year" of the millennium, are wholly unsubstantiated."

"Correcting and updating the proxy database used by Mann and his co-authors and then repeating Mann's methodology, McIntyre and McKitrick showed that the MBH98 study in fact reveals that the late 20th century Northern Hemisphere temperature trend is unexceptional compared to the preceding centuries."

That's right, the cornerstone paper of the global warming movement has just been shown to have purposely omitted key data, incorrectly calculated on incorrect data, and basically is a steaming, embarrassing pile of shit.

Read for yourself.



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