Investing in vices, friendster pictures, physical interfaces
Here's more stuff I found interesting, without a terribly large amount of commentary, because I remain quite busy, and will be so until this project is finished for work.
Invest in the Vice Fund. You figure that people will always drink, smoke, and gamble? Then how can it be a bad investment? Sounds good to me.
This video of a physical user interface to computing nearly made me poop myself. Especially note the interface he designed for mixing music. There's so much that could be done with this. It looks like that weird shit in Minority Report.
Yes, this has already been posted all over the internet, but it's fucking hilarious. It's mocking what types of pictures people put on Friendster, but it actually relates to any site where people are looking for dates. Closely cropped picture? You're probably fat. Blurry shot? You probably have acne.
Want to feel shitty about yourself? Here's what other people accomplished at your age. At my age, Napoleon conquered Italy. Great.
And finally, a really hilarious list of terms coined about online debates. It's ridiculously left-skewed, but an open minded person will see that these terms apply to everyone who debates online, and they're patterns I see all the time, especially on the g.tobin mailing list.
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