Looking for a good web tool
I'd like a links page.
I often find cool sites, and bookmark them, and say "Hey, I should look at this site sometimes, it's interesting", and then forget about it.
I want to put a page up on my site full of all the pages I've found interesting, so I can check back on it from time to time. I'd like to be able to view and edit this page wherever I am, at work or at home.
Does anyone know a utility or a script or anything that could do this? I know it's got to be a common thing, lots of people want to keep links in this day and age.
I'd just like a page, divided into columns or some useful viewable format, that I can enter new pages into without telnetting to coziahr.com and editing HTML. I want a web editing interface. There has to be a WYSIWYG HTML editor, or link managing script, or SOMETHING out there.
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