

I don't know if I'm getting old and crotchety or what, or just having a particularly unlucky day, but it seems to me that I'm dealing with more and more people that interrupt while I'm talking.

Now, I personally never do this, because I find it incredibly rude. If I happen to accidentally interrupt someone, I STOP TALKING and we usually find a way to resume conversation politely.

But my god, I've been running into people lately that will just glaze over if they're not speaking, wait a few seconds, and then just start talking. Or they'll wait until you say something that reminds them of a story that they can tell, and then just begin telling it, not giving a flying fuck about what you're saying, because it's not THEM talking. I pause, politely, because my mental engine says that two people shouldn't talk at once, and they just continue on.

This makes me so angry I want to tear their throat out, and I usually lose interest in talking to them. This one woman at my work did it to me twice today, and I just turned around to my computer and started typing, and let her talk at my back until she walked away. It's so fucking RUDE. Nothing will make me lose interest in you as a human being faster than you interrupting me when I'm talking. You stupid, annoying, bitch.

I just can't imagine being one of these people, you'd think eventually they'd notice that people stop wanting to talk to them. I certainly do.

So if you're one of those people who finds themselves talking over people, and raising the volume of your voice until they stop talking, cut it the fuck out. The rest of us hate you.


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