Another nation breaks the bonds of gravity
Following in the footsteps of Yuri Gagarin and Alan Shepard, China has launched Yang Liwei into space.
I'm so happy about this. If it lights a fire under our ass to make our space program more ambitious and respectable, all the better. But in a simpler sense, I'm just so happy to see other nations pushing for greater heights and achievements.
Fuck yeah.
What's amazing is that we apparently have taken satellite shots of their spacecraft. Check this out:
Isn't that crazy? The damn thing has only been in space a few hours, and we already have pictures of it.
China has been talking about putting a man on Mars in the next decade. If they pull that off, that will blow my mind. They will have raced right past us, while we've had our thumb up our asses for thirty years, sitting on our laurels and past achievements, letting our space fleet rot and wither. I wish we would get our act together and realize that achievement and innovation are goals in and of themselves, and worth more than the pittance we spend on them, and we should tear NASA down, fire all the administrators, and make it a modern, vibrant organization, like it used to be.
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