
Riddle me this

Sun just changed last quarter's earnings from positive 12 million to a loss of over a billion dollars. Something having to do with taxes. Corporate accounting is pretty similiar to witch doctoring, in my book. It just doesn't make any sense. Our stock is down about 15 percent, of course.

In other news, does anyone know if there's an actual disease involving being nocturnal? I spend most of my days, when I've managed to be somewhat normal, tired. Then around midnight, no matter how little sleep I've had, I perk up and become fully awake, unable to sleep until the sun comes up.

Now, I try to fix this. I'll purposely deny myself sleep so I can go to bed at a reasonable time, but it doesn't work. I'll just be exhausted all day, and then wide awake at night again. A few nights ago, I went to bed at like 4am, and ended up being so jittery that I got up and did pushups and ran in place, just to try to burn my extra energy. It may sound funny, because I'm not you, but it's a pain in my ass to have such aggressive insomnia. When I show up at work during regular work hours, people remark that they didn't know I was still employed by Sun, and I get the feeling they're not entirely kidding.

I've tried drinking heavily, which puts me out okay, but isn't exactly a pattern I want to fall into. I've tried hippie things like valerian root. I've tried physical activity to tire me out. Nothing really fixes the problem.

I think the solution here is to just find a career with no time-critical activies. Even at Sun, I have to be awake for meetings, and I have to put in "face time" at the office for purely political reasons. I should become an author. Then I could really hermit out and live however I wanted, as long as I produce books semi-regularly.


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