
We will out-stubborn the megacrap out of you.


"Our continued use of the English system of measurement [is] making us an island in a metric world"
Gerald Ford, 1975


On 23 December 1975, President Gerald R. Ford signed the Metric Conversion Act of 1975, which finally gave official federal sanction for the U.S. to convert to using the metric system.

Heh. It gets even better. IN 1866, we tried to accept the metric system in the US. Our history of failed attempts to "metricate" as it were is nearly 140 years old.

This chart is wonderful, from 1866:


It includes such metric terms as the Myriameter, the Hectometer, the Centare, the Tonneau, the Myriagram, the Quinal...

God help me, I know that we should all use metric, but at this point we're seriously the only civilized nation on this planet that refuses to convert in any serious way. That's just hilarious. At this point, not switching just becomes a point of pride.


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