
Driving patterns

I just drove to work at 5:30am, and I was very impressed.

There were three lanes of solid, bumper to bumper traffic. What was exceptional about this was that it was moving at 75mph. The whole way to work. With no slowdowns. If you know bay area traffic, you'll know that if the roads are crowded, you'll expect to spend most of your drive violently going from 0mph to 50mph the entire time you're on the road. The carpool lane was in effect and it was completely empty, not a car in sight. No one was changing lanes, these people were all hardcore, no nonsense.

I loved it! I wish it was like that every day. I really like people who go to work this early, I wish I could get my schedule worked out so I could drive the roads when the smart people are driving. I'm not sure what kind of jobs require that you get there extremely early, I guess it's a lot of professionals, and probably a lot of blue collar jobs as well, but whatever the reason, these people are great.

This also proves that lots of cars don't cause traffic, IDIOTS do. If you drive the roads around 9 or 10am, it's packed with fools, and those fools cause traffic. These are the fools driving 50 mph, or the people out for leisurely drives in the fast lane, or the wanna-be type A drivers who zig and zag between lanes randomly... it is possible to have a road completely jammed with people who are out to get to their destination quickly, and not drive with their thumbs up their asses and their head in the clouds.

Of course, this is just going to make me even more bitter the next time I get in a traffic jam, because I know it could be avoided by killing all the bad drivers.


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