
Oh, how the times have changed.

If you had told the 13 year old hacker Tobin, sitting in front of his crappy little 8088 with his 1200 baud modem that one day, he'd be frustrated by the fact that he can only download 2,500 megabytes a day, he would have laughed in your face.

Over a decade later, though, it's true. Everything that I want to download these days is HUGE, whether it be games, or television shows, or rips of DVDs, everything is several gigs, and when I put a couple things in a download queue, I'm looking at a week of solid downloading. That's awful. Even back when I was grabbing stuff with my slow ass modem, nothing was so big that I couldn't get it overnight.

So the question becomes, are we ever going to have the bandwidth that we dream about in movies and books? The kind where you don't ever really consider transfer time? Here's a movie.. zip! Here's the Library of Congress... zip! Or are we always going to continue to create files that are larger and larger, so that transferring is a nightmare? A decade from now, am I going to be whining that I can only transfer a couple terabytes a day?


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