There's apparently a signup sheet somewhere that I missed.
Tonight I was wandering through an asian market, because I decided to learn to make some asian food on a whim. (So far I've had a 50% success rate on the dishes I've made, so it's not going all that poorly. In fact, it's surprisingly easy, I just keep making dumb mistakes with ingredient proportions. However, I got enough food to feed me for a very long time, and the whole thing cost me about $30, so I'm actually really impressed.)
Anyway, while I was in said asian market, I saw probably five or six couples involving an extremely hot asian girl, and a dorky ass white guy. I know that dorky ass white guys lust after asian girls, but god only knows why they're actually getting them. I was going to ask one of them what the address of the mailing list was, so I could get on it, but I figured he wouldn't think I was very funny. Jackass. Seriously, though, I'd love to see the dating ritual of the clueless white dork and the insanely hot asian girl.
I was half expecting them to hand me a girl after I wandered around in there for a while, because they figured I'd lost mine and needed a replacement or something. Maybe I should put up a fake lost and found sign, and someone will return one to me by accident.
My spell checker is yelling at me for not capitalizing the word asian, but it can fuck right off. I don't capitalize any ethnicities.
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