I need to go to bed, but watching this war footage on TV live is strangely addictive. It's interesting to see the CNN reporters just about crapping their pants in excitement over covering this war, they're constantly talking about how badass their own technology is and how great their coverage is, it's hilarious. They're all standing around with erections.
But seriously, as I was watching, they reported the first battle casualty, they shot a goddamn scud missle out of the air over Kuwait (I didn't know we'd perfected that), and they're showing live footage from the tank divisions roaring across the desert toward Baghdad. They'll switch between live reports from Parlament, over to footage analysis of Saddam, who may have actually been killed in a strike earlier, back to live footage of burning oil wells, and reporters somehow have all this footage of Iraqi bunkers preparing for war. There's hundreds of Iraqi soldiers surrendering, live on television. We just raised the American flag over Umm Qasr, one of Iraq's major ports. They just hopped to live coverage of Tony Blair looking like he's about to cry because of a helicopter accident that killed 8 brits.
If you go to CNN.com, you can play with digital models of all of our aircraft, make the animations fire missles and execute maneuvers. You can look at live battle maps, updated as we capture airfields and towns. It's like information overload. I love it. I want TOTAL COVERAGE. I don't even want to go to bed, because I want to watch all of this as it unfolds. This isn't like getting delayed updates, or reading "flat" news hours after it happens, as our technology improves, our coverage becomes more impressive. What frustrates me is only having one television. I want five TVs, covering all the news stations, running all at once. I want to see everything, as it happens, with supporting technical specs and statistics. Dammit. I should have gotten in bed two hours ago.
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