I just watched a special called "Hackers: Outlaws and Angels" on TLC.
It was decent. There's the usual awful analogies, terrible garbage like "Hackers trying to unleash the Pearl Harbor of the internet", which makes me cringe. They got a couple things right, and it cracked me up at one point where they talked about a computer network being "0wn3d, in hacker terminology". That was pretty good.
They do a little overview of hacker philosophy, the tired hacker/cracker terminology debate, they give background on a couple cases like Code Red, and show how to wardrive. There are some interview bits with famous guys like Captain Zap, which was nice. It's especially funny because he's a fat old man now, which makes me think about how long hacking has been around now. Back when I was hacking in like '92, it was still the "golden age" in that there were absolutely no security precautions of any significance, but some of these bastards had been doing it for over a decade before I did, and it's weird to see an old hacker using modern slang and talking shit.
It's especially funny to see how they "hip" the presentation, with people overlaid on top of graphics showing "hacker" backgrounds like the dos prompt executing a file called hack.bat. Oooooh! Badass!
Anyway, for all the crap, it's certainly interesting, and if you didn't know anything about hacking, it'd probably be somewhat informative.
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