
I just finished Dirvish is Digital by Pat Cadigan, and I have to say, I'm not impressed. I've picked up most of her work, after absolutely loving Synners, but she's kind of gone bad. Her work is overly cynical on one hand, delving into really self indulgent "witty" dialogue with her characters, and even though the first half of the book started out interesting, it really fell to crap near the end. There was just no feel of realism to her digital world at all, it was like she couldn't decide whether to write cyberpunk or fantasy.

I keep buying her stuff because I really want to encourage women to write the type of science fiction that I really enjoy, there are almost no female authors in the cyberpunk-ish genre at all, but she's getting worse with every book she writes, instead of better. It's rare to see that in authors, the only other good example I can think of is Heinlein, who wrote some absolutely amazing stuff, and finished his career with garbage like The Number of the Beast.

Ah well. I'm out of new books again, having burned through my recent Amazon spending spree. I think maybe I'll re-read Signal to Noise, by Nylund. I haven't read that for years.


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