This is about as happy as I get:
For those of you who don't recognize the man on sight, that's William Gibson, who's been my favorite author since I had zits and my voice was cracking. I met him at a book signing on Wednesday, which is pretty obvious since I mentioned it two entries ago.
It was fantastic, he read from Pattern Recognition, he answered some questions, and he signed books. I had him sign my 1984 copy of Neuromancer, and he signed it "To my favorite fan, Tobin". That pretty much made my month, or possibly my year.
Anyway, I made a gallery of the pics I took, and you can find it here.
It will be part of my "pictures" section of the site, as soon as I actually get around to making it. I honestly can't stand editing HTML and doing design work, I want this whole thing to be automatic. But I'll get around to it.
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