
So I'm sitting here in Barnes and Noble, waiting for William Gibson to show up for a booksigning.

First off, this new wireless card that my buddy Chad hooked me up with is pretty sweet. It works through Verizon's wireless network, and it regularly hits 30kps. Connectivity everywhere. I love it.

Secondly, they just had to drag a crazy woman out of the store. I was sitting here in the cafe, doing work and reading a book, when this older asian woman approached a man sitting next to me. What follows is part of the conversation:

"Are you a mexican?"
"Partly" (This guy was completely white, from what I could see)
"I can't handle that!"
"I'm also a monk, let me give you a prayer card."
"If you're a monk, where is your monastery? How many wives do you have?"
"None, I'm celibate."

Then she started pacing the floor of the cafe, yelling about "how many girlfriends do you have?", and every time he tried to say something she would scream that he was interrupting her. Finally, he said that he was going to get a cup of coffee downstairs (we were in the coffeeshop), and she screamed "Why are you leaving me?"

After this, she got up and wandered around the floor for a while, until the cops showed up. The cops were asking her to leave, and she was saying that they should carry her, because she couldn't walk. (This was while she was walking the floor). It just got weirder and weirder. To make a long story short, two cops and three employees later, the woman left the store. I'm just waiting for her to show up again.

I should go sit in bookstores more often, I had no idea they would be this entertaining.


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