
Riddle me this, Batman.

Every year, we run up against our arbitrary "debt ceiling". Right now it's at about 6.4 trillion dollars, and we're set to slam up against it in a few days.

Depending on the issue of the day, either Republicans or Democrats will rail against raising it, this time it will be the Democrats, but we always, always end up raising it again.

So what's the goddamn point? A debt limit is supposed to curb spending. If you raise it every time you hit it, you're just being an idiot. You might as well not even have one at all. The whole point is to SPEND LESS. American citizens can only spend what they make, and their allowed debt is usually a small percentage of their yearly income, even if they open several credit cards. Our debt is now at something like three times the annual budget of the US, and growing by leaps and bounds.

People like to point fingers and say "oh, it's the tax cut", but they're missing the point. If we collect LESS money because of lower taxes, we should SPEND less money. If your boss cuts your pay, you have to spend less. Our politicians absolutely refuse to cut spending, and that's absurd. We should set a cap on spending, that we are NEVER allowed to spend more than we bring in in a given year, and we should shoot to spend less than that, so we can pay off some debt. But continuing to spend more than we make is absurd, and it should be against our laws.


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