
Just in case any of you are confused, let me run you through some very simple laws of driving. If any of you find that you're breaking these rules, stop being an asshole.

1) You should drive as far to the right as possible. The road is arranged in what we nerds call a "bubble sort", which means you only move to the left in order to pass a slower moving object, and you end up arranged in order of speed. This is true on a two lane road or an eight lane superhighway. Default behavior should not be to enter a road and move all the way to the left.

2) If anyone EVER has to pass you on your right side, and the road is open ahead of you, you've done something wrong. Period. There are no exceptions to this rule. You are not a policeman, and you don't have "every right" to drive in the left lane if you're going the speed limit. Don't be an asshole. If you're slow, read this one again.

These are the two major rules. Follow those, and every road will work many times better. If you don't, people will hate you and tailgate you, and your dumb ass will have no idea why.

Some secondary rules follow:

3) Driving is not a contest. When you pull over into a slower lane to let someone pass, you don't have to speed up to pretend that you're not a slow bastard. They already know you're a slow bastard, that's why they wanted to pass you.

4) Let people merge. When people are coming onto the highway, let them in. When someone puts their turn signal on to pull in front of you on a highway, let them in, don't immediately gun it to fill the space. You're really not going to get there any faster if you cut off three people from merging on your way home from work. Lots and lots of accidents are caused by people being assholes about not letting others merge.

5) Drive a consistent speed. One of the major causes for traffic jams is simply inconsistent driving speed, which causes delays in braking and accelerating. If you ever want to see something impressive, go on a major highway and put your cruise control on. You'll find that for some reason, people will regularly change their speed in a 20mph window, even if there's no one in front of them.


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