
I think I've experienced a shift in the way I look at food. Cooking is for chumps.

I was at the grocery store just now, getting all these ingredients for meals that I've gotten recipes for. I've never really enjoyed cooking very much, it always feels like a lot of time just to eat. I just made my own meals because I figured it was cheaper and better for me.

But I was looking at the frozen meals, and looking at their prices, and checking the nutritional content on them, and I'll be damned if they don't have a bunch of great pre-made meals that are as cheap as making your own food, and better for you than most of the stuff I make for myself.

So I put all my ingredients back on the shelf, and filled my cart with frozen stir fry, orange chicken, sweet and sour pork, chicken pot pies, pizzas, and lots of other stuff. The chinese food, I can just make a batch of rice, and it will feed me for like three meals. Oh, and I got a big jug of strawberry milk, because it's the shit. And then I threw in some plums and pears and apples to snack on.

I ended up getting about two weeks worth of food, all easy to make and healthy and tasty, and it cost me about $65. So yeah, cooking is for chumps. I'm done with it.


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