
I knew four dollars a month for two gigs of storage was too good to be true.

I apparently stumbled upon the only web hosting company in the world with morals. Turns out that because I put some MP3s on this new domain I'm using as a "dumping ground", they decided to wander through my domain with a blowtorch, and randomly hack and slash at will. One of my friends PGP'ed all of his personal information and put it up on my site as a backup, and they deleted his account and all his files, along with some other files, and the MP3s I had up. There's no rhyme or reason, they just picked about half of my stuff, and deleted it.

This, of course, is unacceptable. I've written them a "what the fuck?" email, but I assume that I'm going to have to switch hosting companies, because these people appear to be the Spanish Inquisition of web hosters. I would like to see what their deletion process is like.

"He has two MP3s on his domain! Torch the sinner! Leave no one alive!"

Bastards. After I settle this with them, and transfer my domain to somewhere else if necessary, and hopefully get a refund out of them, I'll release the name of the sons of bitches, so you all can avoid them like the plague. Till then, I'd prefer not to, because they might show up at my house in white robes and nail me to a cross.

Right now, coziahr.com is hosted at digitalspace.net, which has great service, but is kind of a ripoff, since they only give me 50 megs of space for seven dollars a month. What I'd like to find is a cheap, reliable hoster that gives me a reasonable amount of storage, and stays the HELL out of my business. Unfortunately the only real way to do this is some sort of colocation server, which runs like 100 a month. If anyone has a cheap, reliable service to recommend, that'd certainly be appreciated.


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