
You all may have heard about the uproar about the new Miller Lite commercial called "catfight".

It involves the old Miller argument schtick of "tastes great, less filling", with two women eventually tearing each other's clothes off and wrestling. At the end you find out it's just the fantasy of two guys in a bar with their girlfriends.

Now, people are screaming that this kind of thing "exploits women". How so? Did someone hold a gun to these actresses and force them to do a commercial? Were they not paid for their time? Where is the exploitation? If you watch the commercial and have any sense of humor whatsoever, you'll realize that it's simply meant as a spoof of the stereotypical male fantasy, and the women that the men are with look at them with disdain, so it's honestly not even encouraging it.

There are just some people out there, most often middle aged married women, who see a scantily clad woman on television, and they're writing a complaint email before the spot even finishes. Get a damn sense of humor and shut the hell up.

If anything, you'd think that most intelligent women would laugh at an ad like that, and complain about crap like the Oxygen network, which portrays women as shallow idiots who do nothing but watch Oprah and think about getting married. That's the kind of stereotyping that does the real damage to women, the type that's not tongue in cheek, but quite serious, and effective not because it's in your face, but because it's subtle and pervasive. If you want to complain about anything, rail against romantic comedies and "women's networks" that brainwash poor girls into being mindless diamond consumers and baby factories.

Or better yet, stop writing all these whiny letters to networks, and just stop watching the things that offend you, or don't buy the products. The only reason these things exist is because people watch them and purchase what they sell. Don't watch Oxygen, it will go away. Don't buy Miller, it will go out of business. Live your life, instead of spending it protesting things that other people enjoy.


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