
Thai iced tea recipe:

I stumbled around online looking for a reliable thai iced tea recipe forever, with no consistent results. This annoyed me, as I love Thai iced tea in restaurants. So after my experimenting, here's what you get.

Buy the dried tea. I got it at www.quickspice.com.

I also made my tea in a coffeemaker because I'm really lazy. You can do it however you want.

Run 8 cups of water through 10 tablespoons of tea. Once it brews, pour the hot tea through the filter three more times, to make the tea very dark and strong.

Add one cup of sugar, and stir. Put this in the fridge till it's cold.

Fill a glass with ice, and fill it most of the way with tea. Pour in 3/4 of an inch of whole milk. (You can also use cream, but it tastes just fine with fatty, all-american heart attack whole milk. Remember, if it ain't got a red cap, it ain't milk.)

There you go. Feel free to comment if you've done it differently and enjoyed the results, but I'm very happy with this recipe.

Mmmmmmmm. Thai iced tea.

Okay, I've been up for about 36 hours now. Commencing coma mode..


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