
I finally got my camera!

I'll tell the long sordid story of the awful pain involved in getting it another time, but for now, I'm just playing with it like any geek does with a new toy. Mmmm, toy.

I've tried all the cool features, like making a movie of myself being an ass and mailing it to people, and making a 360 degree panoramic shot of my apartment, which the Canon software automatically made into one single shot. You can even make a Quicktime VR of a panoramic shot that someone can 'explore'.

It's nice and small and fits comfortably in my pocket, which is the whole point. Once I get out and start taking pictures of things more interesting than my apartment, I'll add a photo section to the page.

Here's the first shot I took: Big Brother is Watching You. My little brother immediately put it as his desktop shot, because the big brother reference was literal in his case.

So if you really want to make my day, send me a picture of you posing with this shot as your desktop. If enough people do it, I'll make a little collage out of it for the webpage, and it will amuse me greatly.


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